Highest sins of the Congress which is taking the country to Hell and of all political parties who are doing nothing about it but just letting that happen ! INDIA and Hindus have suffered enormous and irreparable damage during the 125 years of history of the Congress owing to the terrible mistakes and sins committed by the party. Most of the political parties have been just watching indifferently these unpardonable sins with the attitude like ‘Dhrutarashtra – Gandhari’ and therefore, we no more want the charade of democratic rule. We need ‘Divine Rule’ which will treat the citizens like in a patriarchal family. We are publishing a list of the highest sins committed by the Congress everyday so that everybody gets ready to bring in such ideal rule. Sin related to appeasement of separatist Muslims: The pro-Muslim Congress rulers at the Centre, who are trying to appease anti-national separatists from Jammu and Kashmir for the past two decades instead of taking stringent action against them ...